
Infographic Poster
On a personal level, I feel that it's incredibly important to know what you're putting into your body. With the ready availability of packaged, processed goods, many people lack proper nutrition. I chose to create an educational campaign that not only advertises the consumption of fruits and vegetables, but specifically outlines the financial and nutritional benefits of growing one's own food rather than purchasing it. After extensive research, I designed infographics for a poster; I used an earthy, organic illustrative style that is visually captivating yet clear and organized. Using elements from this poster, I created a short animated video that more fully explains the topic. I chose to include a spoken narration (as well as an upbeat soundtrack) in order to reach both visual and audial learners. For the final aspect of my campaign, I designed a billboard, in order to reach as large an audience as possible.
Software: Adobe Illustrator and After Effects